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EDGE projects

EDGE2 isthmus

Art activity 3

This is a word puzzle called hangman, like the picture below right. You have to guess the word. The words are from the video on this page, and they are about visual art and painting.  To guess the word, click on a letter below to see if it is in the word​. If it is in the word, the letter will show up. If the letter is not in the word, a stroke will appear. You need to guess the word before the picture is finished.

Excerpt from the interview: "I look at that series of 6 canvases espousing  the darkness and then the light.

And what I see … (shout me down shoot me down)… the darkness is rock for me; rock and sky and emerging sky and for me the light is the flume on the edge of water... Can you live with that?"

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