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The EDGE2 Education Program for primary school students (Grades 1 to 6) from Bruny Island and the Channel is referenced against the Tasmanian Curriculum; Arts Curriculum Area; K–10 syllabus and support materials




In a music classroom, students imagine and create new works by expressing meaning through sound.




Students are asked to create a piece using an art work for inspiration. (The art work may be theirs, or a friends, or from an exhibition.) They contemplate how they would create a piece of music that reflects their chosen art work. The students think about what the visual artist is trying to convey, and then consider what their own starting point will be. They decide which aspect of the art work they will depict and which musical elements they will use. (Curriculum page 120)

The example provided above in the Tasmanian Curriculum directly correlates with the material and activities provided in EDGE2. 


EDGE projects

EDGE2 isthmus


EDGE2 activities provide the basis for learning outcomes in relation to all the key components of Music Standard One

EDGE2 activities provide the basis for learning outcomes in relation to all the key components of Music Standard Two, with the exception of ‘Using Notation’.

EDGE2 activities provide the basis for learning outcomes in relation to all the key components of Music Standard Three, with the exception of ‘Instrumental Skills’, ‘Using Notation’.

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